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Can You Put Solar Panels on A Mobile Home? Answered 2022

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Can you put solar panels on a mobile home? The answer is yes! When it comes to setting up power for your mobile home, harnessing the power of the sun is a fantastic choice.

The environment can benefit from solar energy. Many mobile homeowners are interested in solar energy, but they are unsure if they can use solar panels for mobile homes.

We’ll go over everything you need to know about using solar power to run your mobile home, including how much it will cost.

Can You Use Solar Panels For Mobile Homes?

On your mobile home, you can use solar panels, yes! Solar-powered mobile homes are not, however, available for every model. For instance, it will probably be impossible to install solar panels on your mobile home if it is already situated in a neighborhood that is off the grid or uses its own septic system.

This indicates that there isn’t a simple way to connect to public utilities without first getting the owners association’s approval. Don’t forget that some states have laws limiting the amount of electricity that can be generated using renewable resources and that starting the installation process may necessitate inspections.

On the other hand, solar panel installation will be possible in mobile homes that are not incorporated into communities and that are powered by a standard electrical grid. If solar panels are properly sized, they can supply all of your electricity requirements up to 100%, which means you won’t have to buy electricity anymore! 

best mobile home solar panels

But keep in mind that it might depend on where you are and how much sunlight you get there year-round. For instance, cloudy areas like Seattle require more wattage than sunny areas like Phoenix or Florida (a practice known as “net metering”).

This includes houses built on private property or puts up in RV parks, both of which usually have plenty of room for installation. However, keep in mind that installing solar panels on the ground rather than the roof of your mobile home is an option if you live in an RV park. This is frequently more effective.

This would be a better option, for instance, for people who rent out their space, as installing solar panels on someone else’s property without their permission isn’t always a good idea. It’s also possible to ask your landlord for solar panels if you live in a mobile home park because they will be able to benefit from them as well!

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Things to Consider

Before deciding to install solar panels on your mobile home, there are a few additional factors you should consider.

The first is how much space you have, the second is the kind of roofing material you use, and the third is the location of your site (i.e. exposure).


As we’ve already mentioned, having enough room and sunlight is the most important prerequisite for a good installation.

During the winter months in particular, you need to be able to position your solar panels at an angle that enables them to absorb as much direct sunlight as possible.

Consider installing ground-mounted solar panels if you don’t have enough space on the roof to do so.

Related Reading: How Big Are Solar Panels?


The ideal location and mounting of your solar panel system will depend on the type of roof that your mobile home has.

Generally speaking, there are three main types of roofs; asphalt shingle (flat), metal or tile (sloped), and concrete (flat).

It is best to mount your solar panel system on the ground if you have an asphalt shingle roof.

They can even be entirely removed during the winter when there is no sunlight in this way, making them easier to maintain.

This indicates that your mobile home won’t lose power as a result.


The location of your mobile home is another important factor to take into account because it will affect the amount of sunlight it receives annually.

Mobile Homes

and how much energy the solar panels on it are capable of producing.

Installing a large mono-module system will be most efficient if you live in an area with lots of sunlight.

Multi-modules, on the other hand, will perform better if you live in an area with little sunlight because they can capture more of the available light during the dark winter months.

Pros and Cons of Using Solar Power in Mobile Homes

If our excitement over solar energy and mobile homes hasn’t convinced you that it’s the right choice for you.

Please take a look at the following list of advantages and disadvantages if you have any concerns about whether this will be a practical option for powering your mobile home.


  • Independence from utility companies (no more paying high monthly bills)
  • Reduces carbon footprint by not using electricity generated by coal/fossil fuels
  • Less need for maintenance due to no moving parts or complicated technology


The roof must be sturdy enough to support the weight of several solar panels, which can weigh between 100 and 200 pounds each.

In order for this option to function properly, the mobile home must have a metal roof installed if it does not already have one. Before starting the solar panel installation process, you might want to spend money having your mobile home’s outdated or worn-out electrical system repaired or replaced.

Installing solar panels safely necessitates the use of a sturdy foundation. A few solar panel mounts that can be fastened directly to the roof or exterior walls of your mobile home should be all that is needed if there is no foundation for the system.

If you have enough space, you could place several rows of panels facing south if you wanted a more long-term fix. In that situation, concrete slabs are advised because they can be poured relatively affordably and simply. Since this is the ideal size to balance durability with weight-bearing capacity, each of these slabs should be about four feet wide, six inches thick, and ten feet long.

It’s crucial to check local zoning laws and homeowner association guidelines regarding exterior modifications like solar panel mounts before installing any solar panels for mobile homes. Before starting the installation process, double-check that they are not infringing on any laws!

Will Solar Panels Reduce My Electricity Bill?

Yes, solar panels will help you save money on your mobile home’s electricity bill—or even completely eliminate it! The amount of savings you’ll experience is influenced by a variety of factors, including your mobile home’s size (larger mobile homes require larger systems), the average electricity prices in your area, and how much sunlight you get where you live.

In fact, you can anticipate a significant decrease in your electricity costs. While it can be challenging to estimate the exact amount due to a number of variables, including the location and size of the installed system, solar panel systems have been known to pay for themselves sooner than initially anticipated.

If you intend to keep your mobile home in the same place (and own it for at least five years), a mobile solar system may be a wise investment. Not only are there quick returns, but owning a mobile solar power system also means you’re helping the environment by generating clean energy with no emissions and lowering greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming!

Additionally, solar energy doesn’t cost anything after installation, so once they’re operational, you’ll be able to save even more cash in comparison to other renewable energy sources like wind or geothermal, which demand an upfront investment before realizing any savings from their use.

Aside from increasing the value of your home and lowering operating costs, solar installations may also qualify you for tax incentives!

Related Reading: Why is My Electric Bill So High with Solar Panels?

How Much Solar Power Does a Mobile Home Need?

Although most 500 to 800-square-foot mobile homes are energy efficient, ft. range, the power consumption varies widely. This is how we calculated the daily consumption of 4500 watts and the associated conditions.

Solar Panels

80% of the daily energy consumption of a mobile home is made up of cooling and heating, which can range from 4100 to 4500 watts. The breakdown of daily power usage looks like this.

  • Computer 300W
  • Mobile device 30W
  • Lights 30W
  • Refrigerator 800W
  • Cooling/heating 3000W

Total: 4160 watts

It is assumed in these calculations that you cook with propane gas. The power requirements will be higher if you use a solar-powered microwave. Also take note that there are no gaming consoles, coffee makers, blenders, or other appliances in this home. Make the necessary adjustments to the numbers if you include them.

However, if your home requires 4,000–4,500W per day, we must determine how many solar panels it will require in the following section.

We advise 300 watts per panel if you are aware of the number of solar panels you require. Anything smaller will occupy an excessive amount of room. Starting with the ACOPOWER 300W Solar Panel Kit and adding more as necessary is what we advise. You can easily add however many panels you need with a flexible kit.

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Tips To Increase Solar Power Efficiency

Energy is frequently wasted by manufactured homes, which are frequently incredibly inefficient. If you make a few improvements, you can reduce your energy usage, which is a practical approach for anyone looking to switch to solar energy.

An American study claims that According to the Department of Energy, the most beneficial improvements to mobile home efficiency are:

  • Sealing furnace ducts and air leaks
  • Scheduling a furnace tuneup
  • Adding insulation to the underside of the manufactured home
  • Installing interior storm windows
  • Improving attic insulation

Your electricity consumption can also be reduced by making a number of other improvements, like changing out old lightbulbs, adding energy-efficient window coverings, and setting up a smart thermostat. You can quickly find additional methods for increasing your solar efficiency by conducting a home energy audit online or with a professional.

Are Batteries Necessary For Mobile Solar Home?

Because the inverter is already converting the excess energy from the solar panels into a usable power source, mobile home solar kits don’t need batteries to store the extra power. This is why upgrading your home’s efficiency by installing new windows or doors and other improvements is crucial.

You can, for instance, replace outdated appliances with newer, more energy-efficient models using the money you saved from installing a permanent foundation.


It’s also crucial to keep in mind that solar panels have a finite capacity, so you might need to think about using a generator or another type of power source to keep your house running until the sun rises again. For this reason, before installing solar panels for mobile homes, it is necessary to determine how much power each device consumes and which appliances will be used on a regular basis.

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How Much Does It Cost?

Depending on the type of panel you select, the size of the panels, and the required number of panels, your mobile home’s solar panel installation will cost a certain amount. Depending on where you are, prices might also change.

You could use 11 of Topsolar’s 100-watt solar panels if you assume that the typical mobile home requires 1100 watts of power from its solar panels. Since each panel costs just over $100, the total cost would be just over $1500.

As an alternative, you could go with Renogy’s 175-watt panels. To supply 1100 watts, just seven of these would be sufficient. A total cost of about $2000 would be incurred at around $300.

Alternative Places to Install Solar Panels on a Mobile Home

Solar energy is still a viable option even if solar panels cannot be installed on the roof. Here are some ideas.

The first choice is to mount the panels on a nearby building such as a patio, pergola, or even a shed. These panels can be connected to your main house once they are set up.

Consider installing ground-mounted solar panels if your property has a sizable amount of land. A structure where solar panels can be installed is set up in a grounded configuration. It is the best substitute for rooftop solar panels, provided your local building code permits it.

Remember that installing ground-mounted solar panels is more expensive than installing them on roofs. Because they are farther from the sun, their output is also lower. If you want solar power for your mobile home, it is the most practical choice.

Read More: Can We Put Solar Panels On The Pergola?


Can You Put Solar Panels on a Manufactured Home?

Yes, people who live in manufactured housing absolutely can go solar.

How to Install Solar Panels on a Mobile Home?

While installing solar panels on your mobile homes depends on several factors, it’s better to ask professinals for help.

Related Reading: How Long Does It Take To Install Solar Panels?

How Many Solar Panels for a Mobile Home?

To power 1000 to 1500-square-foot homes, 30 to 35 solar panels are required. If you scale it down to the size of a mobile home, which is roughly 500 to 800 square feet, only 15 PV modules are needed, as we previously mentioned. Less panels are needed even though the roof is smaller.

Can You Put Solar Panels on a Mobile Home in Florida?

Absolutely! Solar panels can be installed on almost any exterior surface of your mobile home, including the roof.

Is Mobile Home Solar Kit Good?

The best choice for mobile homes is to use flexible solar panels. These were specifically created to be portable and lightweight.

How To Adopt Solar Power For A Homeowner?

What other options are there for going solar if you can’t put rooftop PV panels on your mobile home?
For the installation of your rooftop PV panels, you could pick a different structure. The structural integrity of a photovoltaic array may be present on an enclosed patio, garage, or storage shed.
If you don’t have access to another suitable structure, you could switch to solar power by installing a ground-mounted PV array. The best choice for a manufactured home is typically a ground-mounted photovoltaic system. Additionally, since it can be positioned in the most advantageous manner, you can anticipate the highest possible energy output.


Solar is a fantastic way to lower energy costs and make a small environmental contribution. There’s a good chance that even a few solar panels will have a significant impact, even if you can’t use them to power your entire house.

It used to be common knowledge that mobile homes wasted a lot more energy than the typical American home. These properties are a practical alternative for many today because they use energy-efficient materials. If you want to learn more about solar panels, read our post on how to clean solar panels.

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